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Services :::: Digital Mammography Screenings and Equipment

In an American Journal of Roentgenology article it was reported that one study found cancer detection rates increased from 4.1/1,000 during (x-ray) film-screenings to 7.9/1,000 the year after the introduction of digital mammography. (1)   

Mobile Digital Mammography is taken to a new level with the use of our state-of-the-art unit, which provides superior digital x-rays, minimum radiation eposure, and reduced patient discomfort. The unit provides reliable operations with consistent quality. 

You will be greeted by one of our female American Registry of Radiological Technologists [ARRT] who will put you at ease during your exam and can explain and demonstrate the proper technique for breast self examination.

Test results and reports are sent to our patients and their doctors within ten business days. Studies are interpreted by our independent Board-Certified radiologists who devote 85% or more of their practices to interpreting mammography films. 

    Here, is what we guarantee to provide when using our services for mammography screenings:

Our Equipment:
Planmed Sophie Classic

  • Minimal disruption to your business or operations while performing the exams.
  • Exams performed every ten minutes 
  • Patients needing additional imaging are notified by phone and mail and our staff is in contact with them until a diagnosis is reached
  • Knowledgeable office staff and expert case management

Reasons to choose Digital Mammography over Conventional Film

  • Images can be seen by the technologist immediately thereby eliminating the need for repeat views.
  • images can be enhanced using contrast and size
  • Less radiation exposure to the patient
  • Digital mammography has been shown to be significantly more accurate than conventional x-ray film in imaging women under the age of 50 or women of any age who have dense breast tissue
  • Aides the technologist when performing displacement views on women with breast implants, to ensure tissue behind the implant will be viewable by the radiologist

(1) Women's Imaging: Original Research: Digital Mammography: Its Impact on Recall Rates and Cancer Detection Rates in a Small Community-Based Radiology Practice

AJR August 2009 193:582-585; doi:10.2214/AJR.08.1720


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